Cybersecurity false positives are events or alerts that are incorrectly identified as security threats. False positives can occur when security systems or tools detect events or patterns that match the criteria for a threat, but which are actually benign.
False positives can cause a number of problems, including:
Wasting resources: Investigating false positives can require significant time and effort, which can divert resources away from more pressing security issues.
Increasing workload: False positives can increase the workload of security teams, leading to burnout and decreased efficiency.
Causing confusion: False positives can cause confusion and lead to a lack of trust in the security system, as users may not understand why they are being alerted about seemingly benign events.
Missing real threats: If security teams are frequently dealing with false positives, they may become complacent and overlook real threats, increasing the risk of a security breach.
To mitigate the impact of false positives, it is important to carefully tune and configure security systems and tools to reduce the number of false positives and to prioritize alerts based on their likelihood of being a real threat. This can help to ensure