FAQ - frequently asked questions.


General (18)

Category: General

Operational technology (OT) refers to the technology and systems used to operate and control physical devices, processes, and events in an organization. It typically includes hardware and software that is used to monitor, control, and manage industrial or manufacturing processes, as well as infrastructure and utilities such as electricity, water, and transportation.

OT is distinct from information technology (IT), which refers to the technology and systems used to process, store, and transmit information. While OT systems often rely on IT systems for data processing and communication, they are designed and used for different purposes and are often managed by different teams or departments within an organization.

Examples of operational technology include:

  • Industrial control systems (ICS), which are used to control and automate industrial processes in sectors such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and electricity generation.

  • Building management systems (BMS), which are used to control and monitor the systems and equipment in buildings, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and security.

  • Transportation systems, such as traffic control systems, rail and subway systems, and aviation systems.

  • Smart grid systems, which are used to monitor and control the flow of electricity in a power grid.

Operational technology plays a critical role in the operation and maintenance of many industries and infrastructure systems, and its security is of critical importance. Cyber attacks on OT systems can have serious consequences, including physical damage to equipment and disruption of critical processes.

Category: General

Product cyber security is important because it helps to protect individuals and organizations from cyber threats and attacks. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities can have serious consequences, including data breaches, financial loss, and damage to a company’s reputation.

Product cyber security is particularly important for software and hardware products that are connected to the internet or other networks, as these products are at risk of being targeted by cyber criminals. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities in these products can allow attackers to access sensitive data, disrupt operations, or gain unauthorized access to systems.

Product cyber security is also important for the development of new technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices, which have the potential to revolutionize industries and change the way we live and work. Ensuring the security of these products is crucial to building trust in their use and ensuring their widespread adoption.

Investing in product cyber security helps companies to protect their products, their customers, and their own reputations. It is an essential part of product development and deployment and is increasingly being recognized as a key factor in the success of a product in the marketplace.

Category: General

Software source code scanning and binary scanning are two different methods for analyzing software for vulnerabilities and other security issues.

Software source code scanning involves analyzing the source code of a software program to identify potential vulnerabilities. This is typically done using automated tools that search the code for patterns or characteristics that are associated with vulnerabilities. Source code scanning can be an effective method for identifying vulnerabilities early in the development process, as it allows developers to fix issues before the software is compiled and deployed.

Binary scanning, on the other hand, involves analyzing the compiled version of a software program, known as the binary code. This is typically done using automated tools that analyze the binary code for vulnerabilities and other issues. Binary scanning can be used to identify vulnerabilities in deployed software.

As source code scanning is more effective in finding vulnerabilities in source code, it requires full access to the source code of a product. Source code scanning is not able to detect vulnerabilities from missing or bad compiler settings, i.e. system hardening, debug fragments, authentication settings, etc. Binary code scanning is important as it is covering all the software running on a product, including operating system, drivers, third party libraries, etc.

Binary code scanning allows a vulnerability assessment of a software without the needs of source code access and it is able to generate a Software-Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) from a binary image to investigate or verify the components of a software from suppliers or during an audit.

In general, source code and binary code scanning are both important tools for an effective, secure software development and playing both important roles in ensuring the security of software.

Category: General

CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) is a standard for identifying and disclosing vulnerabilities in software and other systems. It is maintained by the MITRE Corporation, a not-for-profit organization that provides research and development services to the U.S. government.

CVE matching is the process of identifying and matching vulnerabilities with the relevant CVE entries in the CVE database. This process is typically performed by security researchers and analysts who are responsible for identifying and disclosing vulnerabilities in software and other systems.

There are several tools and techniques that can be used to perform CVE matching, including:

  • Vulnerability scanners: These tools scan software and other systems for vulnerabilities and compare the results to the CVE database to identify any matching entries.

  • Manual analysis: Security researchers and analysts may manually analyze software and systems to identify vulnerabilities and match them to the relevant CVE entries.

  • Automated tools: There are also automated tools that can be used to perform CVE matching, such as scripts and algorithms that analyze software and systems for vulnerabilities and compare the results to the CVE database.

Performing CVE matching is an important part of vulnerability management, as it helps organizations to identify and track vulnerabilities in their systems and ensure that they are properly addressed.

Category: General

Cybersecurity false positives are events or alerts that are incorrectly identified as security threats. False positives can occur when security systems or tools detect events or patterns that match the criteria for a threat, but which are actually benign.

False positives can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Wasting resources: Investigating false positives can require significant time and effort, which can divert resources away from more pressing security issues.

  • Increasing workload: False positives can increase the workload of security teams, leading to burnout and decreased efficiency.

  • Causing confusion: False positives can cause confusion and lead to a lack of trust in the security system, as users may not understand why they are being alerted about seemingly benign events.

  • Missing real threats: If security teams are frequently dealing with false positives, they may become complacent and overlook real threats, increasing the risk of a security breach.

To mitigate the impact of false positives, it is important to carefully tune and configure security systems and tools to reduce the number of false positives and to prioritize alerts based on their likelihood of being a real threat. This can help to ensure

Category: General

Penetration testing, also known as pen testing or pentesting, is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack on it. The goal of pentesting is to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers and to assess the impact of a successful exploit.

Pentesting is typically performed by security professionals who use a variety of tools and techniques to test the security of a system. This may include manual testing, automated testing, or a combination of both. Pentesters may also use social engineering techniques to try to trick users into disclosing sensitive information or providing access to restricted areas.

Pentesting is an important part of security assessment and can be used to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. It is typically conducted on a regular basis to ensure that systems remain secure over time.

There are several types of pentesting, including:

  • Black box testing: In this type of pentest, the tester has no prior knowledge of the system being tested and must rely on external observations to identify vulnerabilities.

  • White box testing: In this type of pentest, the tester has full knowledge of the system being tested and may have access to the source code and other internal information.

  • Gray box testing: This type of pentest combines elements of both black box and white box testing, with the tester having some knowledge of the system being tested but not complete access to all internal information.

Category: General

A PSIRT (Product Security Incident Response Team) is a team of security professionals who are responsible for responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities in an organization’s products and systems. The function of a PSIRT is to identify, assess, and mitigate security threats and vulnerabilities in a timely and effective manner.

The responsibilities of a PSIRT may include:

  • Receiving, triaging, and analyzing reports of security incidents and vulnerabilities

  • Coordinating with relevant teams within the organization to investigate and respond to incidents and vulnerabilities

  • Working with external organizations, such as law enforcement agencies and other industry partners, to investigate and respond to incidents and vulnerabilities

  • Communicating with customers, partners, and other stakeholders about security incidents and vulnerabilities, and providing guidance on how to mitigate the risks

  • Developing and implementing policies and procedures for responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities

  • Providing training and guidance to other teams within the organization on how to identify and respond to security threats and vulnerabilities

The goal of a PSIRT is to ensure that the organization is able to identify and respond to security threats and vulnerabilities in a timely and effective manner, in order to minimize the impact of these threats on the organization’s products and systems.

Category: General

Cybersecurity vulnerability triage is the process of prioritizing vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and the likelihood that they will be exploited by attackers. The goal of vulnerability triage is to identify the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to an organization and to prioritize the resources and efforts needed to address them.

There are several steps involved in the vulnerability triage process:

  1. Identify vulnerabilities: The first step in vulnerability triage is to identify all of the vulnerabilities present in an organization’s systems and products. This can be done through a variety of methods, including penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and manual analysis.

  2. Assess vulnerabilities: Once vulnerabilities have been identified, the next step is to assess their potential impact and likelihood of being exploited. This assessment is typically based on a combination of factors, including the severity of the vulnerability, the likelihood of exploitation, and the potential consequences of an exploit.

  3. Prioritize vulnerabilities: Based on the assessment of the vulnerabilities, the next step is to prioritize them in terms of their risk to the organization. Vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk should be addressed first, while those that pose a lower risk can be addressed at a later time.

  4. Remediate vulnerabilities: Once the vulnerabilities have been prioritized, the next step is to address them by implementing appropriate remediation measures, such as patches, workarounds, or configuration changes.

Vulnerability triage is an ongoing process that should be performed on a regular basis to ensure that the organization’s systems and products are secure and to prioritize the resources and efforts needed to address vulnerabilities.

Category: General

A product cyber security lifecycle is a set of processes and practices that are followed to ensure the security of a product throughout its lifecycle, from development to retirement. The goal of a product cyber security lifecycle is to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities in a product before it is deployed, and to ensure that the product remains secure throughout its use.

There are several stages in a product cyber security lifecycle, including:

  1. Planning: During the planning stage, the product’s security requirements are defined and a plan for meeting theserequirements is developed.

  2. Development: During the development stage, the product is designed and built with security in mind. This includes implementing security controls and testing the product for vulnerabilities.

  3. Deployment: During the deployment stage, the product is rolled out to users and the necessary security controls and processes are put in place to ensure its security.

  4. Maintenance: During the maintenance stage, the product is regularly monitored for security vulnerabilities and patches are applied as needed to address any issues that are discovered.

  5. Retirement: During the retirement stage, the product is decommissioned and any data associated with it is securely erased to ensure that it cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties.

Following a product cyber security lifecycle helps to ensure that a product is secure throughout its lifecycle and minimizes the risk of security breaches and other vulnerabilities.

Category: General
Category: General

If a smart device is hacked, it can have serious consequences depending on the type of device and the extent of the hack. Some possible consequences of a smart device being hacked include:

  • Data breaches: Smart devices often store and transmit sensitive data, such as personal information, passwords, and financial data. If a device is hacked, this data could be accessed by the attacker and used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft or fraud.

  • Disruption of service: A hack on a smart device could disrupt its normal functioning, leading to inconvenience or loss of service for the user. For example, a hack on a smart home device could disable security systems or prevent the device from performing its intended functions.

  • Physical damage: In some cases, a hack on a smart device could cause physical damage. For example, a hack on a smart thermostat could cause it to malfunction and damage the heating system in a home.

  • Reputation damage: A hack on a smart device could damage the reputation of the manufacturer or the organization that uses the device. This could lead to loss of customer trust and financial losses.

  • Control of the device: If a smart device is hacked, the attacker may be able to gain control of the device and use it for malicious purposes, such as launching further attacks or gathering information.

It is important to take steps to secure smart devices and regularly update their software to reduce the risk of being hacked. This includes using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and only installing software from trusted sources.

Category: General

Secure by design is a principle that emphasizes the importance of incorporating security into the design of a product or system from the outset, rather than trying to add it after the fact. The idea behind secure by design is that it is much easier and more effective to build security into a product or system from the start rather than trying to retroactively add it later.

There are several key elements to the secure by design principle:

  1. Security considerations are integrated into the design process: Security is not an afterthought, but rather is considered throughout the design process.

  2. Security is built into the product or system: Security controls are implemented as part of the product or system, rather than being added on later.

  3. Security is tested throughout the development process: The product or system is regularly tested for vulnerabilities throughout the development process to ensure that it is secure.

  4. Security is continuously improved: The product or system is continuously monitored for vulnerabilities and improvements are made as needed to ensure its ongoing security.

By following the secure by design principle, organizations can ensure that their products and systems are secure from the outset and are less likely to be vulnerable to attacks or breaches.

IEC 62443 is an international standard that provides guidelines and requirements for the design, implementation, and maintenance of secure industrial control systems (ICS). ICS are used to control and automate industrial processes in sectors such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and electricity generation.

IEC 62443 is designed to help organizations ensure the security of their ICS systems by providing a framework for implementing appropriate security controls and practices. The standard covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Security architecture: This includes guidelines for designing secure ICS systems, including the use of secure protocols and technologies.

  • Security assessments: This includes guidelines for conducting security assessments of ICS systems and for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

  • Security maintenance: This includes guidelines for maintaining the security of ICS systems over time, including the use of patches and updates to address vulnerabilities.

  • Security incident response: This includes guidelines for responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities in ICS systems.

IEC 62443 is a widely recognized and respected standard in the field of ICS security and is used by organizations around the world to ensure the security of their systems.

Category: General

Cyber digital twins are digital representations of the cyber-physical systems (CPS) that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). These systems consist of physical objects that are connected to the internet and equipped with sensors and other devices that enable them to communicate and exchange data with other systems and devices.

Cyber digital twins allow organizations to monitor and manage the operation and performance of their CPS in real time, and to identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. They can be used to optimize the operation of CPS, such as by identifying bottlenecks in the system or improving the efficiency of the sensors and devices that make up the system.

In addition to providing real-time monitoring and management of CPS, cyber digital twins can also be used for security and compliance simulation and analysis, allowing organizations to test and optimize the operation of their CPS under different scenarios and conditions. This can help organizations to better understand how their CPS will perform in the real world and to identify potential security problems before they occur.

Category: General

An SBOM, or Software Bill of Materials, is a list of all the components that make up a piece of software and their associated metadata, such as version numbers, licenses, and vulnerabilities. This information can be used to identify potential security risks in software and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

An SBOM can include information about the software’s source code, libraries, frameworks, and other dependencies, as well as any external components that are integrated into the software. By providing detailed information about the software’s makeup, an SBOM can help organizations make informed decisions about how to manage, update, and secure the software.

SBOM is particularly important when dealing with open source software, as it allows organizations to understand the origins and licenses of the code they’re using, and to identify and address any vulnerabilities that may exist. With the growing use of open-source software, organizations have become increasingly concerned about managing the security and compliance risks associated with it.

The SBOM can be generated from a number of different tools and methods such as, static analysis of the code, scanning of the binary files, or inspecting the package management systems. This process can be automated using tools that can help to generate an SBOM in near real-time.

Overall, an SBOM provides the stakeholders, such as security teams, developers, or compliance teams, with a detailed view of the software they’re dealing with, allowing them to identify and mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Category: General

A software supply chain refers to the series of activities that are involved in the development, distribution, and maintenance of software. It includes all of the processes, people, and tools that are involved in creating, testing, distributing, and updating software.

The software supply chain typically begins with the development of the software, which involves designing and writing the code that makes up the software. This may involve multiple teams of developers working together to create different components of the software. After the software has been developed, it goes through a testing process to ensure that it is of high quality and meets the specified requirements.

Once the software has been tested and is ready to be released, it is distributed to users through various channels, such as through online download platforms or through physical media. The software may also be packaged with other software or hardware products and sold as part of a bundle.

The software supply chain also includes processes for maintaining and updating the software over time. This may involve releasing patches to fix bugs or security vulnerabilities, or releasing new versions of the software with additional features or functionality.

Category: General

Vulnerability management is the process of identifying, classifying, prioritizing, and mitigating vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and applications. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses or flaws in a system that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, or disrupt operations.

The goal of vulnerability management is to reduce the risk of cyber attacks by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. This typically involves a combination of processes and tools, such as vulnerability scanning and assessment, patch management, and risk management.

Vulnerability management is an ongoing process that involves regularly identifying and assessing new vulnerabilities, as well as tracking and addressing existing vulnerabilities. It is an important part of an organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy, as it helps to ensure the security and reliability of the organization’s systems and data.

Category: General

Binary software scanning is a process of analyzing binary files (also known as “binaries”) to identify vulnerabilities and other security issues. A binary file is a compiled version of a software program that can be executed on a computer. Binary software scanning is typically used to identify vulnerabilities in software that is being developed or deployed in an organization.

There are several tools and techniques that can be used to perform binary software scanning, including static analysis tools and dynamic analysis tools. Static analysis tools analyze the binary code of a software program without actually executing it, while dynamic analysis tools execute the binary code and monitor its behavior during runtime.

Binary software scanning is an important part of software development and deployment, as it helps to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers. It is also used to ensure compliance with security standards and regulations.

In addition to scanning binary files for vulnerabilities, binary software scanning can also be used to identify other issues such as copyright violations, licensing issues, and code quality issues.

Regulations (3)

IEC 62443 is an international standard that provides guidelines and requirements for the design, implementation, and maintenance of secure industrial control systems (ICS). ICS are used to control and automate industrial processes in sectors such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and electricity generation.

IEC 62443 is designed to help organizations ensure the security of their ICS systems by providing a framework for implementing appropriate security controls and practices. The standard covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Security architecture: This includes guidelines for designing secure ICS systems, including the use of secure protocols and technologies.

  • Security assessments: This includes guidelines for conducting security assessments of ICS systems and for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

  • Security maintenance: This includes guidelines for maintaining the security of ICS systems over time, including the use of patches and updates to address vulnerabilities.

  • Security incident response: This includes guidelines for responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities in ICS systems.

IEC 62443 is a widely recognized and respected standard in the field of ICS security and is used by organizations around the world to ensure the security of their systems.

Categories: Automotive, Regulations

UNECE R 155 is a proposal for a new United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regulation on the approval of vehicles with regards to cyber security and cyber security management systems. The proposal aims to establish requirements for the design, testing, and approval of vehicles with regards to their cyber security.


The proposal includes provisions for the development of a cyber security management system (CSMS) that would be used to ensure the ongoing security of vehicles throughout their lifecycle. The CSMS would include processes for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, as well as guidelines for the maintenance and update of vehicles to ensure their ongoing security.


The goal of UNECE R 155 is to ensure the safety and security of vehicles with regards to cyber threats and to prevent accidents and injuries caused by the misuse or failure of vehicle systems. If adopted, the regulation would apply to all vehicles covered by the UNECE 1958 Agreement, including passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and heavy-duty vehicles.

Categories: Manufacturing, Regulations

The EU Cyber Resilience Act is a proposed legislation by the European Union (EU) to improve the cyber resilience of the EU’s digital infrastructure and services. The Act aims to establish a framework for improving the security of the EU’s digital infrastructure, including critical infrastructure, and for responding to cyber incidents.

The Act would establish the role of a European Cybersecurity Coordinator, who would be responsible for coordinating the EU’s efforts to improve its cyber resilience. The Act would also establish a cybersecurity certification framework for digital products and services, and would require the EU and its member states to adopt measures to ensure the security of their digital infrastructure and services.

The EU Cyber Resilience Act is intended to help the EU to better protect itself against cyber threats and to ensure the continuity of its digital infrastructure and services. If adopted, the Act would apply to all EU member states and would be a key component of the EU’s efforts to improve its cyber resilience.

Manufacturing (2)

IEC 62443 is an international standard that provides guidelines and requirements for the design, implementation, and maintenance of secure industrial control systems (ICS). ICS are used to control and automate industrial processes in sectors such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and electricity generation.

IEC 62443 is designed to help organizations ensure the security of their ICS systems by providing a framework for implementing appropriate security controls and practices. The standard covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Security architecture: This includes guidelines for designing secure ICS systems, including the use of secure protocols and technologies.

  • Security assessments: This includes guidelines for conducting security assessments of ICS systems and for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

  • Security maintenance: This includes guidelines for maintaining the security of ICS systems over time, including the use of patches and updates to address vulnerabilities.

  • Security incident response: This includes guidelines for responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities in ICS systems.

IEC 62443 is a widely recognized and respected standard in the field of ICS security and is used by organizations around the world to ensure the security of their systems.

Categories: Manufacturing, Regulations

The EU Cyber Resilience Act is a proposed legislation by the European Union (EU) to improve the cyber resilience of the EU’s digital infrastructure and services. The Act aims to establish a framework for improving the security of the EU’s digital infrastructure, including critical infrastructure, and for responding to cyber incidents.

The Act would establish the role of a European Cybersecurity Coordinator, who would be responsible for coordinating the EU’s efforts to improve its cyber resilience. The Act would also establish a cybersecurity certification framework for digital products and services, and would require the EU and its member states to adopt measures to ensure the security of their digital infrastructure and services.

The EU Cyber Resilience Act is intended to help the EU to better protect itself against cyber threats and to ensure the continuity of its digital infrastructure and services. If adopted, the Act would apply to all EU member states and would be a key component of the EU’s efforts to improve its cyber resilience.

Automotive (1)

Categories: Automotive, Regulations

UNECE R 155 is a proposal for a new United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regulation on the approval of vehicles with regards to cyber security and cyber security management systems. The proposal aims to establish requirements for the design, testing, and approval of vehicles with regards to their cyber security.


The proposal includes provisions for the development of a cyber security management system (CSMS) that would be used to ensure the ongoing security of vehicles throughout their lifecycle. The CSMS would include processes for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, as well as guidelines for the maintenance and update of vehicles to ensure their ongoing security.


The goal of UNECE R 155 is to ensure the safety and security of vehicles with regards to cyber threats and to prevent accidents and injuries caused by the misuse or failure of vehicle systems. If adopted, the regulation would apply to all vehicles covered by the UNECE 1958 Agreement, including passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and heavy-duty vehicles.