Daily Security Checks: IoT Inspector Monitoring Protects Companies Against New Cyber Threats Every Day

Daily Security Checks: IoT Inspector Monitoring Protects Companies Against New Cyber Threats Every Day

Daily Security Checks: IoT Inspector Monitoring Protects Companies Against New Cyber Threats Every Day
Sara Fortmann
Sara Fortmann
Senior Marketing Manager


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P R E S S  R E L E A S E Daily Security Checks: IoT Inspector Monitoring Protects Companies Against New Cyber Threats Every Day Bad Homburg, Germany – November 10, 2020 – Since IT security is not a static condition and new critical vulnerabilities are being identified every day, the firmware analysis platform IoT Inspector has now been enriched by new monitoring functions that allow to continuously analyze the security of IoT devices. Every firmware enrolled in the monitoring process is automatically re-analyzed every day for newly detected security vulnerabilities. As a result, companies obtain a new dynamic and quality in IoT security. Fast response times are critical in defending against cyber-attacks and maintaining high security standards. However, identifying new software vulnerabilities is very time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially if analyses are performed manually. But the longer vulnerabilities remain undiscovered, the greater the risk that cybercriminals can successfully exploit these. Critical and previously neglected areas such as the Internet of Things are particularly prone to be affected. Conventional IoT devices such as printers, routers, network cameras, keyless access systems or smart climate control systems can quickly become a "Trojan Horse" and facilitate network infiltration or data theft. The IoT Inspector Monitoring addresses this problem by analyzing the IoT firmware daily for newly discovered vulnerabilities, thus also alerting newly created compliance violations. The advantages of IoT Inspector Monitoring at a glance:
  • Increased visibility: By checking the IoT firmware for newly published security vulnerabilities on a daily basis, companies receive valuable input for their risk management and can derive appropriate mitigation measures.
  • Automation saves resources: The IoT Inspector works fully automatically, eliminating the need for resource-intensive manual checks. This enables companies to keep pace with the speed that cyber criminals are demonstrating today.
  • Instant notification: When new vulnerabilities are detected, the user is notified immediately. This also applies to changes in previously discovered problems. The customer always has full visibility about possible attack points in their devices.
"IT security is not a state that you reach and then allows to sit back. Maintaining a high security level is an ongoing process," says Rainer M. Richter, Managing Director of IoT Inspector GmbH. "This is increasingly challenging for companies because the threat landscape changes from day to day, from hour to hour. Every day new vulnerabilities are discovered that affect IoT devices and especially their firmware. With our new IoT Inspector Monitoring, we are now offering our customers continuous monitoring, which enables them to guarantee a high level of security at all times".

Über Onekey

ONEKEY ist der führende europäische Spezialist für Product Cybersecurity & Compliance Management und Teil des Anlageportfolios von PricewaterhouseCoopers Deutschland (PwC). Die einzigartige Kombination der automatisierten ONEKEY Product Cybersecurity & Compliance Platform (OCP) mit Expertenwissen und Beratungsdiensten bietet schnelle und umfassende Analyse-, Support- und Verwaltungsfunktionen zur Verbesserung der Produktsicherheit und -konformität — vom Kauf über das Design, die Entwicklung, die Produktion bis hin zum Ende des Produktlebenszyklus.

Sara Fortmann

Senior Marketing Manager

euromarcom public relations GmbH

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