Pwn2Own: IoT Inspector Research Lab uncovers vulnerabilities in Cisco router

Internationally renowned competition
Pwn2Own is one of the most renowned hacker competitions in the world. It is organized by the Zero Day Initiative and has been held bi-annually since 2007. Participants are invited to uncover new vulnerabilities in common software and wireless devices. For this year's event, 22 participants submitted 58 hacks – more than ever before. Many manufacturers cooperate with the renowned hack event and voluntarily put their devices up for attacks to improve the security of their products.Picture Credit:
Über Onekey
ONEKEY ist der führende europäische Spezialist für Product Cybersecurity & Compliance Management und Teil des Anlageportfolios von PricewaterhouseCoopers Deutschland (PwC). Die einzigartige Kombination der automatisierten ONEKEY Product Cybersecurity & Compliance Platform (OCP) mit Expertenwissen und Beratungsdiensten bietet schnelle und umfassende Analyse-, Support- und Verwaltungsfunktionen zur Verbesserung der Produktsicherheit und -konformität — vom Kauf über das Design, die Entwicklung, die Produktion bis hin zum Ende des Produktlebenszyklus.

Sara Fortmann
Senior Marketing Manager
euromarcom public relations GmbH

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